
5 Mistakes That Will Ensure You Won't Get Hired
When your company is growing as fast as ours, you often find yourself short-staffed. We feel as though we are constantly in catch up mode, yet somehow we deliver for our clients and continue to produce work of a high standard.

Behind the scenes it's a different matter. Not only are there demands to create strong marketing plans for our clients, there is the demand to do the same for ourselves.  The need to find staff that are nimble, creative and deliver is imperative.

I am a strong believer in culture and finding the right fit. I'm lucky, because I started the Dallas office utilizing Marketing Eye staff that was already established and bringing on board  a few people who I had worked with in the past.  I knew everyone could deliver and I knew what strengths they brought to the team. Now, as I continue to build my team, I will need to find people who are not so familiar, but are a good fit.

Marketing needs to be scrapped -- here's why
Old school marketers are dead. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that.

Marketing no longer resembles the textbooks of the 90's.  Old-school marketers no longer have a advantage over young marketers since the rules of game have changed. If your firm is still conducting marketing of the past, you are missing out on real opportunities. Doing the same will not result in the same results, you may not get any results at all.

How goods and services are researched and purchased has, and continues to change.  Even industries that have existed on personal networks alone are needing to re-evaluate their sales and marketing approach. If your marketing department hasn't changed the way they do business in the past five years, it's time to re-evaluate this department.  Here's why you may need to take a fresh look at how your reach and sell to your target market.
Why Hiring A Veteran is Good For Business
As a daughter, granddaughter and employer of a veteran I can say hiring a veteran makes good business sense.  The military teaches and instills in its service personnel skills that are both valuable and desirable to American businesses.  

No matter your personal feelings about the U.S.'s involvement of international conflicts; men and women who volunteer to serve their country come with a different level of commitment.  One that for those of us who have not served, did not make.

Here is why hiring a vet makes good business sense.
What's going to make you be proud of what you achieved today?
We often get so caught up in our lives that we forget to stop and evaluate where we are and where we are going on our life journey. This week was big for me, I ran 10 miles (stopping only to fill up my water bottle), I reorganized my office, I had a positive sales call which I feel confident will turn into a sale, and I sold a business I have owned for over seven years.

The week came with a flood of emotions from  proud, to relieved, to sad, to excited.  It also made me stop and think about what is important in life and how I really want to shape my journey ahead.

Grow Your Business Without Selling
Small to medium-sized businesses typically come with a small sales force, many times it's just the owner. It's important to know how to encourage your network to generate sales for you with limited time and resources. Often your own network can be the greatest source of sales if you just create advocates for your business. These sales advocates will sell for you and be your walking testimonial.

The first step is to think about who can be your advocates. Current customers, business and personal acquaintances, and even people you may not know, but wish to add to your network.  To get started you must reach-out and connect.
5 Frights of Being a Business Owner
At this most frightful time of year, is there anything more scary than owning a business?  I always meet people who say they will, or they could own their own business, but they don't.  Is it fear that keeps them from chasing their dreams?

Let's face it, starting and owning a small business is filled with things to be afraid of. Big fears are real, and they can be hard to deal with, but a big part of being an entrepreneur is finding a way to overcome those fears.

Here are five fears of entrepreneurship and how to overcome those fear.:

How to master your marketing strategy
Have you started thinking about your marketing strategy for 2016?  If not, now is the time.  As budgets and plans are put into place, they are often a copied from previous years. If you are doing this for your marketing strategy and budget, note that marketing has changed.  How prospects and clients find you, research you and buy from you has evolved.  An online strategy is no longer just for large retail businesses, but for everyone's business, including B2B.  
Why You Should Fire Some of Your Customers
Let's face it, some clients just suck. It's ok to not like all your clients. After all, it's really hard to be all things to all people.

As business owners, we work hard to land a new client, then we work to develop a strong client relationship and produce good work. So the thought of firing a customer seems counterintuitive.  However, to grow your business severing a few relationships is actually healthy.

The real cost of that client may actually be greater than the revenue they generate. Here is why you need to say good-bye to a few clients and hello to your sanity.
The Dos and Don'ts of Holiday Parties and Greetings for Business
We are entering the holiday season and so begins the dilemma of holiday celebrations. Do you celebrate? What do you celebrate? Should you send greetings to clients?  Determining what is appropriate  during the holiday season can be stressful, but it shouldn't be.  Here are a few tips on making the most of the holiday season.
5 Ways to Make a New Recruit Loyal to Your Brand
As we continue to grow our Marketing Eye Dallas office, we want to make sure that we are building a core team that can enable that growth. At my previous company I built that core team, they were the backbone of the organization and were instrumental in the business' success.

Not all employees will stay with you for the long-term, but it is important that while they are with your business that they are happy and contributing.  I know it's not a necessity, but I always like it when an employee leaves my business feeling like that they gained greater knowledge, did something good, and was happy with their tenure at the company.

Here are five ways to get a positive start with a new recruit.
5 Ways to Sniff-Out The Competition
Do you ever wonder what your competition is doing, how you rank in your industry or the latest trends? It is much easier than you think.  All the information you need to be competitive is at your finger tips if you just know how to go and find it. 

Here are five tips leading experts use to stiff-out their competition. 
The One Difference Between a Good Marketing Campaign and a GREAT One
There are so many reasons why marketing campaigns fail, but "not following up" shouldn't be one of them.

So many marketing campaigns fail because people send them out, but expect that the first "hit" should result in their telephones ringing off the hook. It's nice to think that this will be the case, but in the real world, that rarely happens.

When executing a marketing campaign, make sure you have enough resources to follow-up with every single person that has received your campaign. Also ensure that this is done in a timely manner, not months after. 

If you are going to invest in a marketing campaign, then you want to realize the full value of the campaign. Always aim for a minimum of three touches with any prospect. If you are doing a direct marketing campaign, ensure that you send the campaign, follow up with an email, then a phone call  to organize a meeting.

The personality puzzle and how to build a successful team
Building a team is like putting together a puzzle of disparate parts that don't always want to fit together perfectly.  A workplace puzzle never is complete, when one vital piece is lost, another takes its place…and it’s never the same fit.

Having different personalities in the workplace is an advantage. However, managing a range of psyches, emotions, and needs provides some serious challenges.

For seven years I have owned an education business with twenty to thirty employees. Personality was a big reason to hire someone, and the more sensitive types were fabulous in the classroom, but more challenging (at times) to manage.

As I build my marketing team, we will have a smaller core group and will need to work together more closely than what was required of my previous business. I already have a few key individuals on board that I brought with me more for their passion and their cultural fit. At the end of the day, culture is what ensures that the disparate pieces hold together.

Why we are obsessed with Failure and Positive Thinking?
Failure and positive thinking seem polar opposites,  but they consume much of what is posted and shared on social media.

When I first started my Twitter account I asked a colleague what posts get the most shares. She told me "Celebrity deaths and inspirational quotes." Interestingly, when I asked the same questions about blogs, I was told that people love to learn about your failures.

So of course, we can't always post inspirational quotes and hopefully no one has so many failures that it's all they write about. So, how do you create content that people will want to read?
3 Quick Tips for Running A Business while Keeping Your Family Happy
I had outlined this blog and began to fill in the content, when both of my kids ran in my office and ask if we could all go outside to throw the ball or skate and enjoy the beautiful evening. The irony of the timing, made me really stop and think what was the most important use of my time at that moment.

I had finished my client work, it was a beautiful day, and the requests to hang out with mom are becoming less and less.  The request to go outside and 'play' came just as I began writing about the balancing act of growing a business while nurturing a family.  So here I am, a day later and just now writing my blog.

I know many entrepreneurs struggle with how to make time for family or a partner while giving it all to a growing your business. Deciding where to give your attention can be a real struggle and a stress.  It will never be perfect, but here are a few ways to find a little more balance.
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