
Effective Marketing, Young Vs. Old
I’m sure some of you, experienced marketers, will combat this idea and that’s completely understandable. Our office boasts some of the sharpest young talent around they don’t blink twice when faced with a challenge. So why am I saying this? It’s simple, many of our clients come to us because of our age. Not because of how many years in marketing we have, or how much knowledge we’ve accrued in one area. Here are some reasons why they trust us: 
Tips for Attending Post-Work Socials
We as employees try to put on our best face when going into work every day or at least when our boss or boss’s boss comes around. While at work, it is best to give your fellow employees as well as your employer. Once the workday is over, we become a lot more relaxed and we tend to get back into our natural element. Most corporate jobs have after work events, and a common mistake made by employees is that they tend to become too comfortable and relaxed at these events.
Interview Ready?

Interview Ready?

Oct 04, 2017 Written by
An interview for employment is the opportunity for the job seeker to display their skills and experience to their potential employer. Rather than thinking of it as an interview, look at it as an audition for the job and somewhat a sample of your work. Unfortunately, some job seekers walk into interviews believing it is simply a formality before they begin their first day. Here are tips on what to do before, during, and after a job interview:
At The End Of The Day, Your Reputation Is All You Have
Every business will have their share of unprofessional hirings, some worse than others. It’s only natural given the job market nowadays and the workforce. Young professionals, not just Millennials, truly don’t understand the value of their name and public representation. Although none of us are like Odell Beckham, recognized everywhere he goes. On the contrary, here are a few reasons why you should take every job seriously: 
How To Market Effectively On LinkedIn
LinkedIn has about half a billion users worldwide and the chances that your next client are scrolling through their feed right now is likely. The largest B2B social platform in the world has came out with more feature updates in the first half of 2017 than the entirety of 2016. 

The point: LinkedIn is catching on like wildfire! (not a Game of Thrones reference either!)
1st LT Lee: Leading A Life Of Passion
There are times in one’s own life that stick out as defining moments that shape who we are, the same way a massive flood can change the Earth’s landscape by carving it into pieces and destroying what was once there. 

On April 29th of this year, I received a call from an old Army friend of mine that no one was expecting. He called and told us that Weston Lee had been hit by an IED and passed away the night before. 
Say What You Want, Guerrilla Marketing Works
We are used to having information thrown at us everyday, that at some point, we zone out and stop absorbing it all. Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics. It is about taking the consumer by surprise, making an indelible impression and creating copious amounts of social buzz. 
The Difference Between Selling Solutions and Services
Have you ever been called up or emailed about someone trying to sell you on their “services”? Of course you have. Well more times than not, this is turn off for many executives and decision makers. This is the case for a few reasons, so let’s take a look at why:
Creating A Sales Team Like The Army
Life in the Army isn’t for everyone. It’s tough, nasty, and brutal at times. The only thing that prepares you for the things you have to do in the military is the training you receive. 

The training serves 3 purposes: 

1.       Skills

2.       Team communication

3.       Adaptability
Up Your Sales By 300% With LinkedIn
(2 min read)

I'll have to admit, I've been a big time skeptic. There’s a conversation going around that cold calling is dead, and I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it.

I mean, what happened to being “held to the flames”? My first sales job I was on the floor making cold calls and closing big contracts within a few weeks.
The 2017 Solar Eclipse, A Nice Change
It’s amazing what a scientific anomaly can do to our culture and our businesses. It was a pleasant surprise to pull up my social media profiles and not see endless Trump posts, for or against.  Everyone around the U.S. dropped everything and acknowledged an event much larger than a personal opinion or celebrity story. So just how big of an effect did the eclipse have on the US?

In our nation’s 241 year history there have only been 20 total eclipse occurrences. While total eclipses are somewhat of a rarity, what’s even more rare is the fact that it could be seen from coast to coast in the US.

With a rough estimate of between 3 million and 4 million americans taking part in the festivities, it was dubbed “The Great American Eclipse”. In my quarter century of being alive, I can honestly say it was a unique experience to watch millions Americans put their differences aside and enjoy the beautiful world that we live in.

People took work off all around the country to travel and get the best experience possible. Granted, the eclipse was far more beautiful in some areas than in others. I wasn’t blown away by the eclipse itself, but the reaction and the experience as a whole.

While I’m sure that there are many managers and owners who would have been much happier if their employees had remained at work and been productive, the effect on work morale will surely outweigh the few hours missing from the timesheets. At least I know ours was.

My final thoughts: Whether you thought the eclipse was stupid, amazing or underwhelming, you must have found some solitude in seeing the country focus on something much larger than politics and social issues.

For more information about Marketing Eye, give us a call today at 404-626-8070 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

How To Master Frame Control
Have you ever went into a sales pitch and started using old techniques to try and close the deal like the age-old SPIN selling tactic? I can remember growing up and watching all those old movies from the 80s that featured "go getters" in suits and screaming out to each other "Always Be Closing!". 
Hard Work & Talent Go Hand In Hand
While some of us grew up with a realized natural talent, such as art or singing, others simply had to navigate towards a possible strength and exploit it as a career. And by others, I mean me. There’s a stark difference between the two, so which one are you hiring? Let’s take a further look:
The New Rule For Small Businesses That Isn't Getting Noticed
Back in 2011, the Georgia Legislature started an initiative that would encourage the growth of small and medium businesses through crowdfunding investments. The new rule change, which is was officially in effect since last month, will allow for SMB’s to get around the previous restrictions of crowdfunding in the state. 
Maximize Growth With A Mix Of Outsourced And Internal Services
In the perfect scenario, it would be great to have a talented team in-house to take care of all of your business processes. However, we have seen a trend to outsource certain capabilities. This isn’t because they can’t find the resources for it, it’s actually due to the quality of work. We see it with all of our clients, people are spread thin, working on too many what’s the fallout of this?
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