
The Rise of Influencers

Let's say you are remodeling your house, and you need a contractor. You have done your research on multiple search engines and found a few options, but don't know who to choose. Before you commit to anything, you call up friends, family, or turn to Yelp, Instagram, Facebook, or any other online platforms to help you find the best person for the job.

Experiential Marketing: Creating Meaningful Customer Experiences

In this digital age that we live in, the ability to develop and establish a human connection between brand and consumer is extraordinary and something to be treasured. No longer can marketing teams rely on basic selling tactics to bring customers; those attempts do not work anymore. Consumers today are heavily drawn to things with extreme value, to build a relationship that goes deeper than the surface level can carry a relationship with your customer a long way. Brands are starting to put far more emphasis on developing brand loyalty and creating lifetime customers. One of the ways that they are going about this is experiential marketing.

Did you know on average we check our phone 85 times per day? The point? People are constantly checking their phones, and they are always nearby. Companies need to understand that our world has gone mobile, and need to use that to their advantage. In fact, a great way to increase customer engagement at a low cost and receive a high return on investment is by text message marketing.

How Blogging Can Attract New Customers For Your Business

Does your company have a blog? If not, What are you waiting for? With today’s online consumer behavior, blogging has become a vital part of maintaining an online presence. Blogging can essentially divert traffic, increase sales, and improve conversions for your business as well as develop relationships with your readers.

Pick up the Phone: Tricks on How to Utilize Mobile Marketing

I would tell you that mobile marketing is the future of marketing, but the age of smartphones has already arrived. According to a recent survey by Demand Gen Report, in 2018, 66% of B2B buyers strongly agree that companies should make it easier to access their content. Utilizing mobile marketing within your overall marketing strategy can be an advantage towards your business as it uses a combination of marketing channels to connect with your audience through their mobile devices, and generate leads.

5 Essential Steps to Follow for Rebranding Your Company

Deciding to rebrand your company can be an enriching task. Sometimes a fresh start is precisely what your company needs to get back on track. Maybe your business has been struggling from the beginning, and now that you have had some time to get a feel for the industry, you know what you need to do to make yourself a key player. Whatever the reason may be, rebranding can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. By following the following steps, you can get off to the right foot to rebranding your business.

Selling Your Story: How to Get Consumers to BUY Into Your Brand
“We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” - Jonathan Gottschall
How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Marketing

In case you have been living under a rock for the past five years, allow me to catch you up on one of the new hot topics in the world, artificial intelligence (AI). Our homes are slowly becoming more “connected,” and It started with the Amazon Alexa. The original intention and purpose of these products are to assist in the lives of the user with the abilities to make to do list, play music, and a multitude of other features, all by the sound of your voice. While this is a beautiful addition to our lives, it is even better to see just how close to advancements to the integration of artificial intelligence into the marketing industry.

Motivation Matters: How to Improve Your Company's Overall Employee Engagement

What is it that keeps your employees coming back to work each day? Is it their paychecks, flexible work schedules, or an opportunity to grow within the firm? Employees today are looking for more than just a 9 to 5 job, they want to be excited about their workplace, involved in their work, and create relationships with their colleagues. Companies often miss the core related issues in employee engagement because they assume engagement is linked solely to compensation. At the end of the day, whether you are an employee or a customer, people want to be recognized and appreciated, they want to build connections, they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves, and this is how it can be done.

Contextual vs. Behavioral Targeting: Which is Superior?

As marketers, we are always trying to find innovative ways to provide for our clients and exceed their expectations. When it comes to designing a plan for a client, it is essential for digital marketers to know which strategic effort is best suited for their particular needs. With the availability and ease of use of web-based targeting, there are decisions to be made about the type of method you want to use for your client.

The Revolution of the Buyer's Journey

The buyer's journey has shifted, and it is progressing even more. People are now using web searches and social platforms to influence how they purchase products in today's market.  With the help of our cellphones, tablets, and computers, we are all digital consumers. Because of this, we now have more information at our fingertips, a better understanding of how customers interact with brands, and an idea on what leads someone to make purchases.

Online consumers have evolved, and so has their journey. Promotion within your company isn't going to cut it anymore. Why? At this day and age, customers can now research on their own and may not need assistance from a company until they are ready to take the next step, purchasing a product or service. Since buyers wish to govern their discovery process, it is your job to use the right tactics to guide them towards your business.

Storytime: Leveraging Instagram Stories To Tell Your Brands Story and Drive Engagement

Instagram Stories are often glorified for their social attraction as a way for people to express themselves. You might be asking yourself, can your company's content work on a social platform that leans more toward being creative and informal? Of course, it can, the "B" in B2B doesn't stand for "boring" and one-third of the most viewed Instagram Stories are from businesses.

Even though you're a business that posts more professional based content, there are still a few ways to leverage one of Instagram’s most popular tools to increase your engagement, build brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and generate sales.

All Ears on Us: Why Should B2B Content Marketers Care About Podcast?

In just a short amount of time, podcasting has grown from being a small part of media to one of the most popular methods of consuming information today. Podcasts have become an essential part of our everyday lives that even some B2B marketers have look towards incorporating podcast into their marketing strategy.

Strategic Visibility: How To Effectively Use Hashtags To Market Your Business and Content

Every great digital marketer knows that the use of hashtags can considerably increase the social visibility of any business looking to improve their brand awareness and get there messaging in front of their target audience. Not only do hashtags allow you to find relevant content from other people and businesses, but they also enable content from your business to be discoverable and shared across your social media channels. When used correctly, hashtags can support your businesses sales and lead generation efforts, but, often people forget to value quality over quantity when it comes to effectively using hashtags.

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