Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs) is a measurement that will directly affect your marketing objectives. In other words, they are the most important values for understanding your markets influence to achieve a successful business. There are several KPIs that will give you a clear picture of which content actually resonates with your audience. In this blog post, we are looking at which KPIs you should track; this will help you create more compelling content that will help you execute a great content marketing goal.

It is almost impossible to say how important it is to have a strong social media marketing plan. Content strategy is based on the media that your company creates; this can consist of visual or written content. Content is the piece of your marketing plan that continuously expresses what your company is, why you are the leading specialist within your industry, and why your target audience should purchase a product and/or service from your company. Here are some tips on how to craft a successful content marketing strategy.

What exactly is organic reach on Facebook? Organic reach is the number of potential customers who see your content without paid distribution; on the other hand, paid reach includes people who view your content due to paid promotion. You can make Facebook an efficient channel for your organic content and reach a wider audience with these 5 essential tips.

Aside from the fact that I arrived in Las Vegas and was quickly whisked away right up to the hills overlooking Las Vegas to the home of a former NFL player and his wife for champagne, lobster and views that would make anyone envious, the #AdobeSummit is the most exciting event in any marketers calendar.
At this point in time, our company is putting together the ultimate marketing team. One that will not only take the company into the future, but will reinvent how marketing is done across all platforms. They are people that challenge the norm, create change, disrupt thinking and collaboratively use their united knowledge and expertise to push the envelope and see what is possible.

Imagine receiving a gift from a friend or significant other that didn’t match your personality, style or tastes-- it just wasn’t “you.” It forces you to question how well that person really knows you.

In an ideal world, the journey from prospect to a loyal consumer would be a straight shot: see your product, purchase your product, use your product, repeat.

In the ever-changing world of marketing, it seems there are always new tools, tips, tricks and trends to discover and incorporate into your strategy. There are indeed dozens upon dozens of tools to consider utilizing, and it can become overwhelming to choose, but the list below provides ideas that you can try. And the best part? They’re free to use! 

Your company’s brand is the most powerful tool in your toolbelt. As businesses grow and adapt to a constantly-evolving world with new tastes, new innovations, and new customer demands, it’s essential for your brand to reflect the current marketplace, but how do you know if you should rebrand or just refresh?

Have you ever been on a jog or in a cycling class, and suddenly you have a really brilliant, creative idea? In addition to being physically fit, the effects of exercise on your mind are multi-faceted, and creativity is just one of the benefits.

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