
5 Ways to Dominate the Financial Services Industry
It has made your customer behavior predictable, it has changed the channels of your business model and it has created greater global competition. Technology has its pros and cons depending on how you are utilizing it for your financial services business. 

As a financial professional, you know all too well that change comes with the name of the game. With technological advancements happening like never before, it is essential for you to be taking advantage of the tools that will keep your business on top. 
Our Top 7 Favorite Marketing Technologies
Want to know our secrets and what tools we use to drive conversions, boost search engine optimization, digital marketing, and social media? Below are some of our favorite marketing tools will help guide you and your business on the path towards success.
Give Yourself the Best Valentine's Day Gift Ever
Valentine's Day is traditionally all about showing that special someone how much they mean to you. You shower them with chocolate and love letters, maybe you even take them to a fancy dinner in the city. Oh, I can feel the love in the air already!
Stop Hesitating and Just Go
I talk to a variety of different business owners daily. From entrepreneurs to Healthcare CEO’s, Founders of new technology startups; no matter who I talk to I see the same hesitation when it comes to marketing.  

You understand the importance of marketing, but you’re really afraid to “jump the gun”. Outsourcing your marketing seems like a gamble. If this resonates with you, maybe you should address where this hesitation is coming from.
5 Big Mistakes You're Making While Creating Content
You get it, posting content is crucial. But make no mistake, the kind of content you are posting is essential to your business’s success. Quit posting content that isn’t going to benefit you- stop making these content marketing mistakes! 
4 Ways to Generate Leads Using LinkedIn
LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media tools a business can use. With LinkedIn’s main focus being for business, reaching out to people about your company isn’t offensive or intrusive.
How to Convert Prospects Into Leads Using Social Media
One thing every business has in common is the need for customers. Even if you have the next big idea, sometimes striking up that first initial connection with potential customers is a difficult challenge.

Lead generation is important because it helps show an organic interest in your business. There are many ways to convert information seekers just passing through into leads -you can develop a call-to-action, create a landing page, or even implement a thank you page. 
3 Ways to Attract a Social Media Following
So, you are an entrepreneur and have originated the next big idea. How are you going to get your idea out to the masses?
5 Ways to Life a Happy Life
Being in my mid 20’s, many of my peers are reaching critical milestones such as beginning their careers, getting married, having children, buying their first homes, etc. These are the kinds of moments people dream about their entire lives. The problem is, to often do people feel once they achieve these milestones will they finally be “happy.”
Why I Became a Marketing Eye Licensee
Ok, I’ve made the leap. I am now a ‘Marketing Eye’. Yes, I am a tad excited and I am really enthusiastic about what is to come.
5 Thoughts That Will Shape Your Future
Is anyone else caught up in the euphoria of the new year? I can’t stop thinking about my life, where I am going, and what I want to be doing.
What Does the Future of Marketing Look Like?
I sat down in a bar next to the Dean of Marketing at one of America’s most prestigious Universities, and we discussed the future in marketing.

I proudly told him about Robotic Marketer, a robotic and AI technology based solution that writes marketing strategies in minutes, that are more intuitive, smarter and results orientated than any human being could ever do.

As I discussed the details of how the Robotic Marketer works, he exclaimed “you are disrupting the industry”. This is the future. And it is. 

The Affects Your Company Culture Has On Your Brand
“My pleasure”--  We hear this simple phrase every time we say “thank you” to an employee at Chick-Fil-A. In addition to this phrase, we also receive excellent service, free food coupons if our order wasn’t correct, and their employees are off work every single Sunday and on Holidays.
5 Ways You Talk to Yourself
In life it is so easy to get stressed about what is happening right in front of us. The baby needs a sitter, the dog needs to go to the vet, your mom needs to be picked up from the airport etc. When you are stressed out, what kind of words are you using in your mind? Are they positive words or negative words?
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