Every small business knows that a big part of their marketing strategy should be digital. Consumers and businesses are constantly online, with almost 8 in 10 people using social media and over a third of us checking it more than five times a day.Your brain processes an increasing amount of information daily and our mental filters are in advertisement overdrive. As marketers, how do we get our posts to remain in the minds of our audience? Marketing strategy is key, but that is easier said than done. Consultants offer great marketing insights into strategies and tools to help your business achieve a tailored solution.

It’s no secret that technology is one of the fastest growing industries today. From software developments to virtual reality, technology is a field with endless applications and possibilities. But just like any other industry, innovation is a business and any successful small business needs marketing.

Today is just one of those days. I woke up every hour from midnight, ready to get up and pack my bags for yet another trip. 
Being a business executive is not easy. You have to be persistent. You wake up early and work long hours to meet those deadlines and accomplish your goals. Most of the time, self-care can become a foreign concept; one that is pushed to the bottom of your to-do list for the sake of efficiency.

While you could read a blog about how you NEED to take time to take better care of yourself - why not save time and do what you do best? Multitask.

Sometimes we're in conflict between our marketing professional selves and our personal or professional buyer selves. I'm in conflict now as I try to get my home back together after a hail storm pummeled our roof, fence and who knows what.   

My conflict is seeing how repair services are marketed to us and how as a buyer I perceive their efforts to meet my needs .  Yes, I see the hail storm as an opportunity for them. They have services and products in need, a well-defined target audience, and a high rate of anticipated purchase for their product.  For excitement, they face multiple competitors in a race to a sale.

This could be a chance to see multiple marketing styles and find out what works best on me.  It's a good test because all contenders start out the same.  No company has an inside track or perceived advantage. I was not already in the market, had not contacted any suppliers, no former suppliers have claimed me, and my insurance company offered only vague guidelines, no company recommendations. So how did they do?
The trend for small businesses is not adding more staff, but hiring an industry expert partner. Managing employees takes investment in training, paying for benefits, and so on.  Even worse, what if that individual is not the right fit for you business culture, then what?

What makes more sense is to hire a partner that off-sets the business owners weaknesses. Not as an employee, but as an adviser.

Here are some key reasons entrepreneurs should consider the outsourcing route.
Every year I speak with and help other entrepreneurs market and grow their businesses.

Some are able to achieve their desired success.  They have a solid business plan in place, the right attitude, make the proper investments, are able to delicate and know when to enlist help.  

Others have every good intention, but wander aimlessly with no plan or a plan that changes from day to day.  They rely on luck rather than hard work and a more strategic approach.

Then of course, there are the dreamers who do nothing more than dream and talk about their aspirations. They often talk about what the could have done or will do, without taking the first step to put their plan into action.

Being an entrepreneur takes a lot of grit and determination, bravery and thicker skin than you might have first thought. There will be people that want to see you succeed, but just as many that secretly (or not so secretly) want to see you fail.

For an entrepreneur, that's all part of the journey.  They are often motivated as much by proving doubters wrong as they are proving to themselves that their ideas and instincts were right. They value the reward of building something for themselves over the risks and long hours that are required.

I think many of us can list the reasons why we would want to start our own business and leave a job where we work for someone else.  The idea of working for yourself offers a different kind of freedom and it's a passion that drives so many of us to become entrepreneurs. But it is an idea that is full of risk, made especially concerning if you're in a good job currently. So if that is the case why would you leave a successful business you own to start a new one?

I ask myself this question, because I recently sold a great business that I grew from the ground up.  It was a franchise, but even with that there are no guarantees of success, and many owners did not succeed. But I did. I had a passion for my business and I liked my employees and clients. However, as an entrepreneur, I got restless and wanted to share my success and the lessons that I had learned with others. With many years of marketing experience, both in the corporate and small business world, I knew I could help others be successful by implementing solid marketing strategies. With this idea in mind I launched Marketing Eye Dallas as a licensee of the greater international Marketing Eye firm.

With both the knowledge of being successful and starting from the ground up again, I realize there are some things that never change.
The business world is changing and how we search and consume information has drastically changed in the last five to ten years.  Possibly no other business disciple has changed more dramatically than that of marketing and staying on top of current trends is becoming increasingly more difficult.

As a company, Marketing Eye invests and trains its people to stay abreast of current trends impacting the market. We find for many of our clients, what has worked in the past as effective marketing and sales, no longer works.  We understand that when operating a business, staying on-top of the ever-changing marketing landscape is not only challenging, but time consuming and in some cases just not possible.

At Marketing Eye Dallas, we have not only owned our own businesses, but we have helped many entrepreneurs who struggle with the new sales funnels, automations, and digital communication landscape.

Deciding to outsource your marketing function is something business owners don't take lightly.  Here are the advantages and disadvanges of deciding to hire someone to manage your business' marketing.
There's just something good about Friday. Most people see it as the second best day of the week (next to Saturdays).  But, Fridays can be the best day of the week for an entrepreneur.  Monday through Thursday is reserved for working like crazy in your business, but Fridays is the day to work on your business.  For me, Monday through Thursday is spent marketing my clients' businesses, meeting with prospects, attending events and writing marketing strategies for my customers.  I reserve Friday to reenergize my business and myself.  This is when I put together marketing plans for my own business, I set goals and budgets, write blogs, engage in activities that inspire my creativity, and connect with mentors, friends and others in my field.  
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