Advertising vs Marketing: Lost in translation
“Advertising is the same thing as marketing” most of us at some point have either heard this statement from someone else or have even said it ourselves. I know for a fact that I had at one point when I was in my marketing class in high school, and we started a lesson on advertising, and I had wondered that in my head throughout the lesson. That question sparked a fascination in my head and even followed me to college, where I decided to study both of the subjects. I love both topics very much, they have given me insight different aspects of the field that I would not know about if I had chosen to focus on just one, and its that experience that I believe gives me the credentials to attempt to explain not only the differences in the topics but also how they complement each other.

Marketers, by nature, are "people people'. Not saying that every single one is an extrovert who pitches ideas like a used car salesman, instead, they are continually working towards finding what the best way to convey value onto the desired market is. If marketers are to effectively construct a strategy, campaign, or any other type of related activity, they first need an understanding of who their audience is. There are many ways, especially in today's age of technological advancement, that people can get these insights without really knowing too much about the thought process of the brain itself. Sure, it is smart to make marketing decisions based upon quantifiable reasons, but they are also other substantial factors that can and in my opinion, should be taken into consideration during this process. Furthermore, along with those technological advances, there have been advances in the medical field as well that play a massive part in the decision making of marketing plans.

The 2019 Marketing Trend that Matters the Most
We’re halfway into the first month of the new year. And of course, the internet is flooded with lists of trends and predictions for everything, including marketing. The rise of artificial intelligence, micro-influencers, and smart speaker voice commerce seem to be the common forecast amongst industry professionals.

How To Write a Blog that Generates Leads
Writing a blog can be easy, fast and effective for generating leads. It can also be a complete waste of time if not done well, with no real purpose. You know the adage, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it fall, does it make a sound?" Think of your blog as a tree in the woods, if no one reads and responds to your blog, does it make an impact on your business?
Here are things you must consider to write a blog that makes an impact: