Every year I buy myself a new journal to keep notes from my client meetings, business ideas and new technologies I'm planning to adopt. There is something about a blank book full of opportunities and ideas to be noted and recorded that excites me. What does the future hold and what will the journal say in December 2016 about the past year?
As I start my journal this year, rather than starting with resolutions and goals on page one, I'm going to begin with the last page. Writing what has been achieved, writing what the year looked like, rather than writing what the year will look like. Here is my final chapter of an amazing 2016...
As I start my journal this year, rather than starting with resolutions and goals on page one, I'm going to begin with the last page. Writing what has been achieved, writing what the year looked like, rather than writing what the year will look like. Here is my final chapter of an amazing 2016...
As a daughter, granddaughter and employer of a veteran I can say hiring a veteran makes good business sense. The military teaches and instills in its service personnel skills that are both valuable and desirable to American businesses.
No matter your personal feelings about the U.S.'s involvement of international conflicts; men and women who volunteer to serve their country come with a different level of commitment. One that for those of us who have not served, did not make.
Here is why hiring a vet makes good business sense.
No matter your personal feelings about the U.S.'s involvement of international conflicts; men and women who volunteer to serve their country come with a different level of commitment. One that for those of us who have not served, did not make.
Here is why hiring a vet makes good business sense.