As a great way to connect with your audience, Instagram has over 1 billion active users monthly and more than 500 million of them use the platform daily.
Did you know on average we check our phone 85 times per day? The point? People are constantly checking their phones, and they are always nearby. Companies need to understand that our world has gone mobile, and need to use that to their advantage. In fact, a great way to increase customer engagement at a low cost and receive a high return on investment is by text message marketing.
Seeing as most businesses do not have any 18 year olds working for them and advising them on their marketing strategies, it is often difficult for older employees to nail down the best way to market to this particular group of consumers. Many companies have a bad tendency to overlook teenagers when figuring out a marketing strategy, despite them being a group with a tendency to spend more of their money on material objects, meaning that this neglecting can actually be losing your business money. As an 18 year old boy, I am drawn more to the products that have clearly been directly marketed towards me and those similar to me.