Let's say you are remodeling your house, and you need a contractor. You have done your research on multiple search engines and found a few options, but don't know who to choose. Before you commit to anything, you call up friends, family, or turn to Yelp, Instagram, Facebook, or any other online platforms to help you find the best person for the job.

I would tell you that mobile marketing is the future of marketing, but the age of smartphones has already arrived. According to a recent survey by Demand Gen Report, in 2018, 66% of B2B buyers strongly agree that companies should make it easier to access their content. Utilizing mobile marketing within your overall marketing strategy can be an advantage towards your business as it uses a combination of marketing channels to connect with your audience through their mobile devices, and generate leads.

“We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” - Jonathan Gottschall

Instagram Stories are often glorified for their social attraction as a way for people to express themselves. You might be asking yourself, can your company's content work on a social platform that leans more toward being creative and informal? Of course, it can, the "B" in B2B doesn't stand for "boring" and one-third of the most viewed Instagram Stories are from businesses.

Even though you're a business that posts more professional based content, there are still a few ways to leverage one of Instagram’s most popular tools to increase your engagement, build brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and generate sales.

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