Items filtered by date: January 2019

Wednesday, 27 February 2019 11:34

Connecting With Millennials Starts With A Story

Yes, I am a Millennial...which means I’m likely lazy, entitled, and on my phone while writing this. Those are just a few of the generalizations made across my generation, most of which you and I know to be true. What you don’t know is that we are a more self-aware generation than has ever existed previously, and this is going to change your brand one way or the other.

Published in Marketing
Friday, 22 February 2019 13:30

Why The New Marketing Strategy Is Simple

It’s no shock to anyone that we live in the age of easy. The age of short attention spans. The age of Simple. This is primarily due to a shift in the current leadership demographic. Regardless of the industry, 

Published in Marketing
Thursday, 21 February 2019 14:34

How Great Branding Can Help Increase Sales

We hear the word ‘branding’ thrown around a lot these days, but what does it really mean for your business? In short, it stands for the unspoken. In the long form, the branding of your business is the first and last thing your customers will see before they make the decision to do business with you.  

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