Items filtered by date: Monday, 15 February 2016
Every year I speak with and help other entrepreneurs market and grow their businesses.

Some are able to achieve their desired success.  They have a solid business plan in place, the right attitude, make the proper investments, are able to delicate and know when to enlist help.  

Others have every good intention, but wander aimlessly with no plan or a plan that changes from day to day.  They rely on luck rather than hard work and a more strategic approach.

Then of course, there are the dreamers who do nothing more than dream and talk about their aspirations. They often talk about what the could have done or will do, without taking the first step to put their plan into action.

Being an entrepreneur takes a lot of grit and determination, bravery and thicker skin than you might have first thought. There will be people that want to see you succeed, but just as many that secretly (or not so secretly) want to see you fail.

For an entrepreneur, that's all part of the journey.  They are often motivated as much by proving doubters wrong as they are proving to themselves that their ideas and instincts were right. They value the reward of building something for themselves over the risks and long hours that are required.

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