Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane. Remember the good old days when your boss was conducting a meeting in the large conference room; you knew when it was about to start because you could hear the squeaking of the wheels as the projector was rolled into the room. Then, the lights would go out and the key meeting points would be hand-written with an expo marker--boy weren’t those the days!
With all the technological advancements since then, today, conference rooms are actually an extremely exciting and interactive place to be. With the development of touchscreen technology, HD video conferencing systems, interactive displays with build in PC’s, and Google Jamboards, meetings are more collaborative than ever. Oh, you don’t have any of that fun technology in your office? Ask yourself a few questions: - Are you a visual learner?
- Do you feel your company could benefit from more interactive meeting spaces?
- Would your business be a great spot to host business events?
- Would you like your company to have access to the best technology?
- Would you like to better engage with individuals not physically present in meetings?
Maybe it’s time to upgrade your conference room technology. It’s not as much work as you might think! As one of the leading audiovisual integrators, Applied Global Technologies can take care of all of your meeting space needs. They specialize in designing, implementing and managing AV solutions from conference rooms to classrooms and training facilities and beyond. They are the go-to experts for all of your audio-visual needs! Give them a shoutout today to see how they can transform your workplace.