They're an affectionate bunch - by accident. It's was unintentional, as it's certainly not politically correct to hug your colleagues, but someone had to do it, and they did it right.
After a team lunch yesterday, our art director shared his results on a recent Glassdoor office personality quiz. Sparking great interest, each of us decided to take the short questionnaire and see what our results were. So what did the results tell us about the dynamics of our office?
Building a team is like putting together a puzzle of disparate parts that don't always want to fit together perfectly.  A workplace puzzle never is complete, when one vital piece is lost, another takes its place…and it’s never the same fit.

Having different personalities in the workplace is an advantage. However, managing a range of psyches, emotions, and needs provides some serious challenges.

For seven years I have owned an education business with twenty to thirty employees. Personality was a big reason to hire someone, and the more sensitive types were fabulous in the classroom, but more challenging (at times) to manage.

As I build my marketing team, we will have a smaller core group and will need to work together more closely than what was required of my previous business. I already have a few key individuals on board that I brought with me more for their passion and their cultural fit. At the end of the day, culture is what ensures that the disparate pieces hold together.

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