In case you have been living under a rock for the past five years, allow me to catch you up on one of the new hot topics in the world, artificial intelligence (AI). Our homes are slowly becoming more “connected,” and It started with the Amazon Alexa. The original intention and purpose of these products are to assist in the lives of the user with the abilities to make to do list, play music, and a multitude of other features, all by the sound of your voice. While this is a beautiful addition to our lives, it is even better to see just how close to advancements to the integration of artificial intelligence into the marketing industry.

We are currently in an age where technology is advancing at an exponential rate, and as a
result, is becoming more and more prominent in every field of business, including
marketing.  Humans still cannot even fathom the technological advancements that we will be
facing in the coming years, and as more growth occurs, as does its place in business.
Already, artificial intelligence is taking over the corporate world, and can be found in multiple
different work disciplines.  Marketing is one of such disciplines that has taken advantage of
developments in artificial intelligence. Marketing Eye’s own Robotic Marketer has taken the
marketing business by storm and is continuing to lead to success.
It's been all over the news, the recent banter between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk regarding the ongoing debate of Artificial Intelligence. Two of the greatest minds in the tech space going at each other over what should be or shouldn’t be, so what’s all the fuss about? Let’s take a look:

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