Items filtered by date: Monday, 21 September 2015
Let's face it, we are all busy.  Keeping up with the ever changing landscape of marketing, entrepreneurship, social media can be a challenge with an already full schedule. A tool that I have found that is both educational and entertaining is podcasts.  When stuck in traffic or sitting at an hour and half swim team practice, I really enjoy listening to others experiences in business. Not only is it a distraction from the parking lot of Dallas rush-hour traffic, I usually learn something that I can apply to my own business and life.

A good podcast is more than educational, it is entertaining. The more you listen, the more you really get to know and enjoy the host.  While the podcasts I listen to all have a business, entrepreneur or marketing spin, they also have a personal side. Think  more along the lines of "This American Life", and less like an economics college lecture.

Here are my top ten picks:

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