Items filtered by date: August 2015
I often hear from a number of professionals in the manufacturing, construction,  professional services, medical, and technology fields that social media is not for them.  If they have tried social media, they have tweeted a time or two, connected to a few people on LinkedIn, and maybe sent one message.  Through a meager attempt they have determined that it does not work.

The question I pose to them and to you is "how did you find this blog?" and "how do you now know the Marketing Eye brand?" 

I know the answer - do you?
Published in Marketing
Friday, 11 September 2015 06:30

4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Find Balance

Growing up my dad went to work at 6:50 and returned from work at 4:50.  Work was work and when he changed from his office clothes, work was over.  There was no computer, cell phone, email, texting Skyping, tweeting, or linking.  It was just over till the next day.

Today, my work starts when I wake and ends when I close my eyes.  I often office from home, so there is no end of day, no leaving the office.  Even when I office outside the home, the computer, tablet and phone come with me.

I know it's not just me, it seems that everyone I talk to tells me how busy they are.  Is it technology, demands to be over- productive at work, the need to always appear to be the perfect parent, friend or spouse,  or the feeling that you always need to be 'on'? 

Whatever the reason may be, it doesn't look like life will be slowing down any time soon.  So if you can't change the busy world we live in, you will need to change the way you react to it.  The key just may be finding some balance in and unbalanced world.
Thursday, 10 September 2015 06:30

What It Feels Like to Fail

No regrets. It's not just what I say, it's what most people would say, even you, had you not been so afraid to take the risk.

I often have people tell me about the things they would or could do, but don't. They even ask for advice about following their dreams, but move no further than the idea stage.  The reason, most often, is fear of failure.

Fear and insecurities are the single biggest threat to you becoming successful. It ties you up not just for hours, but perhaps years or a lifetime.

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