Items filtered by date: Thursday, 12 November 2015
Friday, 13 November 2015 08:48

Marketing needs to be scrapped -- here's why

Old school marketers are dead. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that.

Marketing no longer resembles the textbooks of the 90's.  Old-school marketers no longer have a advantage over young marketers since the rules of game have changed. If your firm is still conducting marketing of the past, you are missing out on real opportunities. Doing the same will not result in the same results, you may not get any results at all.

How goods and services are researched and purchased has, and continues to change.  Even industries that have existed on personal networks alone are needing to re-evaluate their sales and marketing approach. If your marketing department hasn't changed the way they do business in the past five years, it's time to re-evaluate this department.  Here's why you may need to take a fresh look at how your reach and sell to your target market.
Published in Marketing

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